The next month I bought the book entitled "The Tin Star, "which ended the story drawn by Donatelli and also bought the No 15's Red Written reprint "Iron-Man."
Then, by chance, I learned that a kid my neighbor had Zagor many books (the entire sequence from No. 2 to No. 43) purchased by his elder brother who was no longer interested in the collection. So we agreed that we would have continued the two of us, with what we today would call a "weird deal": each of us would have bought a number other month!
Now, since I already had the numbers 73 and 74, he bought the 75. I caught the 76 ... but the passion was so much I bought also the 77 (although it was not my "turn ")... and did well! Why in the fall of 1971 that my friend moved away with the full range of his brother and the No. 75, and never saw him again!

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