Thursday, March 10, 2011

Free Trailer Blue Prints

Letter 1991

The month of May 1991, then scored for fans zagoriani - and of course for myself - an important moment: Zagor was given to new writers. And just as new artists were coming to the aid of those who were already working on the series.

But for me, that month was "Zagor" important for two reasons ...

The first was the release in the series All Zagor, the episode "The Strange Mister Smith."

That was a big thrill for me: I found myself in the hands of the register with which the reprint exactly twenty years earlier (month, not months) I started my collection and it was my passion for this wonderful character!

The second reason was that my joy was so great that, to celebrate this anniversary of my own, I decided to write a letter to Sergio Bonelli Zagor to thank him for having created and all the beautiful stories he had written in addition, let me give you three suggestions:
1) to return as soon as the Baron Bela Rakosi, who I thought was - after Hellingen - the real nemesis of the Spirit with the Hatchet;
2) not too general to address topics on the page of the series Post All Zagor, but to speak in detail as it was meant a certain adventure, the psychology of the characters, and "misadventures" editorial related to a particular story;
3) to organize something special to worthily celebrate the 30th anniversary of the character.

Unfortunately, I waited in vain to look to see the content of my letter in the mail All Zagor ... Patience ... For me the important thing was writing it and hope Sergio Bonelli had read ...

Meanwhile, on the page's email Necklace Zenith, in the year 1991 appeared more news on new writers and illustrators of the Spirit with the Hatchet ...

In No 312, July, Bonelli Mauro Boselli presented in detail, describing it as a "spin doctors" specializing in the drafting of different headings, and many small book attached to the special, an avid traveler in inaccessible areas and wild and, finally, a great writer who, After ranged in various series of the publishing house, had landed to Zagora.

In No 313, August, Bonelli presented Ade Capone dwell in telling the amusing circumstances of their first meeting at the edge of a swimming pool ...

In No 314, September, was presented Alessandro Russo, entered the ranks of writers zagoriani through the good auspices of Antonio Serra (co-creator of Nathan Never) and the "new" designer Renato Polese, one of the columns of ' unforgotten History West Gino D'Antonio (curiously, the two authors share in this presentation, they were united by the fact that they did very little about Zagor: the first drama series, only three stories and drew up the second only one.)

Finally, in the mail the next No 315 Sergio Bonelli - after speaking of the now "infamous" (at least among fans zagoriani) Dark Zagor - decided to silence the voices that were turned on the abandonment of the series by Marcello Toninelli . Bonelli wrote that was not raised Toninelli from office or discharged, but had gone to his will! If it was true that "the same presented a radical proposal for a complete change of character of Zagor " judged negatively by the publishing house, was also true that Toninelli had gone " also because he had other interests and other initiatives in the field comics. "
Bonelli concluded, then, clear that the intention of the managers and supervisors of the series was to "Zagor return to the glories of the period Nolitta ...
The slogan was: "To renew Zagor, back to the roots! .

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Is The Best Hair Color For Rosacea

the great puppet master

Even after noticing that the back cover of the register in June 1990, the cover of No 300 (all in color) reproducing the same design Ferri Gallienus that a few months earlier had been reported on the cover of the test Special Zagor Collecting I had a premonition ... It was as if the interest shown by Zagor in that essay by its authors had somehow instilled in the series ...

fact, No mail in the page 300, July 1990 Sergio Bonelli blatantly contradicted (and, we can say, fortunately for zagoriani) and himself, as if to retraction of what he had said in the interview of the Special Collecting Zagor, defined Zagor " still a hero form and perky, followed by many supporters "and declared that he would do everything possible to make sure" a future as bright of its past and its present . To accomplish this, written at the urging of a fan named Marco Verni da Forli (today - as you all know - has become one of the designers zagoriani trait shod ), promised that he made a series of brainstorming with the editors ...

short, something in the world Zagoria was moving players and we began to hope for a brighter future for our hero ...

Six months later, in the mail No 306, January 1991, wrote that Sergio Bonelli Toninelli Marcello, who for years had picked up the heavy burden of inheritance nolittiana writing numerous stories of Zagor, had decided to take a vacation from the character ...

In No Mail 307, Bonelli wrote that his attention and that of his colleagues had focused on the choice of new writers and the possibility of future transfers of the Spirit with the Hatchet ... Then, in the mail No 308, revealed that the head of Zagor continued to go well enough to be the third in order of sales, the publications of the publisher. The outcome of those
brainstorming was the creation of a new writing staff, which finally revealed the names: Ade Capone (who had already, in the past, some stories zagoriani), Alessandro Russo , Mauro Boselli and MORENO PUPPETS!
"This know him " I said to myself when I read his name. It was the very man who had written in special collection, the essay on the life of Zagor stimulating as I had read a novel! "So we're really in good hands", I thought. The name of Moreno Burattini was for me a guarantee, as well as the fact that he had more or less my age and thought it was "grown up" with the same stories that made me fall in love with the character ...

No 310, May 1991 I could read, at last, the first script created by Zagor Moreno Burattini who bore the title "Cico heartthrob" and opened with a long and hilarious gags Cico, just like old times ...

not alone. In Journal of Sergio Bonelli Editore of that number were contained in two pages devoted to the new Special Cico ( Cico Trapper ), also written by Moreno Burattini (which was called the "promise ") and the new Special Zagor ( The black flame ) whose author was another newcomer: Mauro Boselli (Bonelli called " one of my harshest critics for the adventures of Zagor ).

A new era was beginning for the Spirit with the dark!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does Your Cervix Feelbefore Your P


Today is my birthday and read e-dawn Zagor on newsstands these days I have received beautiful and unexpected "gift" ...
I am moved and happy ... I have no words ... I can only say: "Thank , Moreno! "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Facesitting In Mainstream Movies


In March 1988 I obtained a law degree or even a month after I began the practice in the office of a lawyer in Monza.
therefore, unable to receive any referral for reasons of study, and being a young man of Italian nationality and good health, from 1 May 1989 to April 30, 1990 I paid the compulsory military service in arming 's Aeronautics.

Since I was also in 1985 was elected City Councilman in my town, after the first month of attendance of the RASFF (Air Force Recruit Training School) in Macerata, on the approach beneficiai and the rest of the period I served in the military headquarters of a Piazza Novelli, in Milan. There I was assigned supervisory duties, so was doing such a service with these shifts: 24/24/24/48. Ie: on call 24 hours, followed by 24 hours of rest, followed by on-call 24 hours followed by 48 hours of rest. And so on ...
This gave me a way not only to continue practicing, to visit and learn more about the city of Milan ... and diligently to attend the comics!
In the spring of 1990, in one of these comics (namely The Stock Exchange of Comics ) I found a text that was a discovery for me, absolute: the SPECIAL ZAGOR Collecting Collector's Club!

A beautiful text, all dedicated to my favorite hero and edited by three (for me at that time) "famous" unknown: Moreno Burattini , Alessandro Monti Francesco Manetti. It did not seem real to be holding in your hands a book of 192 pages and contains over 200 illustrations that dealt exclusively Zagor!

Introduced by a series of essays entitled The inimitable imitator, Zagor's story, a hero Identikit , Cherchez la femme and Cico, the book continues with a series of interesting interviews with Sergio Bonelli , and Marcello Ferri Gallienus Toninelli , with a portion dedicated to Authors Zagor, one dedicated to Timelines ( that for the first time allowed me to "discover" who were the screenwriters of all those books which were published without credit ), a series of Curiosity about the series that could not be found elsewhere, and ended with a section dedicated to characters in the saga.
short, was the most passionate era Zagoria could desire!

This book rekindled in me the sacred fire Zagoria, dormant for some time due to a number of screenplays in my opinion too repetitive and without any particular "flashes of creativity (though some - few - interesting stories ). My negative impression, among other things, alas, found its confirmation in an interview with Sergio Bonelli cited above, where he declared: "The character , already a bit weak 'for its part, has had its day. More than this is not can give, is a hero out like many others, the rest .
This bitter statement did not leave much hope for the future of Zagor ... Fortunately, in the years following the facts blatantly contradicted Sergio Bonelli!

Today, this volume makes its beautiful display in my library, complete with a signed dedication by one of its authors that in a not too distant future he would become one of the architects of the "renaissance" Zagora: Moreno Burattini !

Why Do Black Guy Have Yellow Eyes

Pisum alatum

Let another digression from the edge of the memories held so far, but what I'm about to tell is for me a little satisfaction ...

for a couple of years now, I'm re-reading the stories of Zagor with my daughter Beatrice (6 years last November). To date we have read almost all production of Zagor Guido Nolitta / Sergio Bonelli, Beatrice, as befits his age, has a particular fondness for our Mexican belly, so we stopped reading the stories of the main series to devote Special to Cico.

The other day we were reading the beginning of the dawn "Cico explorer", which returns to the prof. Lookford and reminded about the adventure Little Africa on the Pisum alatum.

Beatrice Then, remembering she dell'insettino roly-poly and adventure that had seen him as co-star, made me stop reading and wanted to go and draw ...
This is the result:

As a father and as Zagoria, I must say that for me it was a great satisfaction ... and I thought it was nice to share that!