Friday, January 25, 2008

Fake Titlest Ap2 Irons

What's My Age Again

When you make the university, you feel great when you finish you feel a bit old already,
When you get to university you feel disoriented, but dopo2 days already organized a dinner
When you make the university, bite your first true freedom, you're independent for five days a week
When you make the university, you have to learn to cook, learn to wash dishes and start drinking coffee
When you make the university, the dishes in the sink than your height
When you make the university, nutella ends before it's night and see if the case has not eaten any
When you make the university, smoke twice as the first When you
the university, began to buy the drum When you
the university, at home you have 16 stolen ashtray, but can not find a single one ever
When you make the university, everyone uses the toilet paper and no one buys
When make the university, you will also find in the bathroom and kitchen paper towels

When you make the university, your good bubble bath ... it's like Nutella
When you make the university, every bottle uncorked a dinner, is filled signatures, and not the more
When you throw the university, your house is home to all
When you make the university, there is always a little more dough for those stop for lunch or dinner
When you make the university, there's always a party
When you organize the university, the fridge has clear boundaries, although it is sad when you
university, Sanbuca never fails
When you make the university, there are no more white walls
When you make the university, each tenant
When you buy a calendar college, do not speak more slowly, turn up the volume of TV
When you make the university, your toothpaste .... as for the shower gel ... and nutella
When you make the university, points to the kitchen to the quantity, not quality
When you make the university, but they are all cooks no one can wash those dishes
When you prick the university, the TG1 is too serious, open-label study is too stupid, but 'studiosport' is perfect
When you make the university, the news of the second open-label study is that a gorilla feeding When you make a dolphin
the university, the simpson do laugh more, because I never watch them alone / When you
to college, you're still looking to 16.00 'seven even' or 'Gilmore Girls' or Maria de Filippi
When you make the university, it is better to have 2 bathrooms
When you make the university, and there is only one bathroom, it can happen that while a brush our teeth, an you take a shower, another is on the cup, another dry hair, the one that waits outside the door is shitting on me ... ... .. but they are all talking about ... F ao football. When you
college, you never sleep at night, but the morning comes after four hours
When you make the university, see also the third film in the evening When you
the university, the morning is hard, if not raise your roommate, you stay in bed for solidarity, if you have an individual is the end
When you make the university, if you go to class the morning after night, it means that there is a lesson or you like

When you make the university, if everyone in the house are study, study too
When you make the university, and the afternoon do not feel like studying, you get to clean your room, to soften the guilt and your room glitters
When you make the university, you never a penny for anything, but for drinks it, it's amazing when you
the university, it is highly recommended not to have the playstation
If you make the university, and six in the second year fuoricorso, you have the playstation
When you l ' universities, the radiators seem free, but when the bill arrives by chance no one had forgotten to turn them off.

When you make the university on Friday to prepare lunch Empty fridge (Pasta Tuna and corn probably)
When you make the university, and you have a guitar, 2 songs on 10 are Ligabue Vasco, a nirvana of one of Bob Marley and Green Day (Good Riddance probably)
When you college, and you have a guitar there is never a female that you are listening, and if one asks you to dedicate a song, the night before had plastered two strings because you were too drunk to play When you
the university, and the lessons have finished, unfortunately you have to finish the study at home
When you make the university, it seems that you will never end, or so you would like
When you make the university a lot of people know when you finish college and do not forget to make the mistake of their
When the university was the best time of your life and you miss, it means you're writing this shit, but you never forget that period.
If you've done or university, or have someone who lets you have permission to do so and you're lucky not to take advantage, rigrazialo.
who does not or did not laugh much at the university this shit, but do not feel superior to him.

Vale thanks for the email .. I moved ..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

John Deere 214 Manual Service


Well yes, it's my birthday, 25 A and is not to be started just fine, I've already lost 2 games of chess, which is not new, but something I thought that with the maturity plus you could do .. But no! better not dare too then!

I take this opportunity to wish you all a 2008 with the pa ... .. Mpine, which in Palermo means rich in everything!